We're offering free classes across many of our communities to help you learn what streaming is, how to get started, what equipment you need, and how to find the right streaming services for you.
Outgoing, energetic person who loves meeting new people while working in dynamic environments and holding a non-traditional work schedule. If you’re ready to break free from the constraints of a traditional desk job, ALLO Fiber has the perfect opportunity for you to join our Residential Sales Team doing Door-to-Door sales!
When assessing speed and quality, the two best internet connections are cable and fiber. Each of these is superior to DSL, satellite and fixed wireless internet. Within that, though, both cable and fiber internet have their pros and cons. Still, there is a clear winner when it comes to the question of fiber vs cable…
It’s your first race against other players in Gran Turismo 7. Going into turn one, you see an opportunity to pass another racer. You send the command, but your car doesn’t respond right away. Meanwhile, the other driver is through the corner and gone. You’re certain you have the best internet speed for gaming, so…
A note from our President on June 21st, 2019: I wrote this blog back in 2015 but as we continue to expand our network and make a larger impact in our fiber communities, I’m reminded that this message still holds true more than four years later. (I did update the specifics for today.) We chose…
After eagerly waiting for fiber services to reach her area, our Senior Manager of First Impressions and Digital Experience, Kami, received notice that her neighborhood was a “go.” To truly understand her excitement, read her confession here. To highlight our Honest and Hassle-Free core values, Kami took the time to document her installation experience to…
Our technicians and support team often throw out terms like “wireless interference,” “channel congestion,” and “big red showdown.” Except for that last one, it can be a little confusing. We live in a fiber-focused world, and it’s easy to forget that not everyone shares our enthusiastic obsession with all things tech. So let’s take a…
Recently, there’s been a lot of news coverage regarding a new botnet called VPNFilter. This attack has resulted in a series of slightly panicked phone calls to our support team, so we’d like to calm your fears and dig into why you’re safe with ALLO. First – what’s a botnet? It’s a network of private computers…
While it’s true that we’re new to some of our communities, we are not new to the fiber optics game. We’ve been building the majority of our fiber communities from scratch for a little while now. 15 years to be exact. That’s right; we’re celebrating a decade and a half of fast, reliable service that…
You may have seen some friendly fiber faces around town recently, so now we’d like to formally introduce ourselves. We are a fiber optic internet, TV, and phone provider that got our start in the small town of Imperial, Nebraska back in 2003. We currently provide wind in your hair speeds to nine communities and,…
Tal vez usted nos ve como otra compañía de internet, teléfono de casa, y televisión en su comunidad; le aseguramos que somos mucho más que una compañía de telecomunicaciones. Nosotros queremos venderle toda una nueva experiencia; el servicio que usted merece. Somos una compañía que quiere mejorar e involucrarse en la comunidad. Nosotros tenemos cuatro valores fundamentales…
Fiber optic service enabling high-speed internet is (ok, we’ll say it) finally coming to all homes and businesses in Imperial, Nebraska! A small group of local businessmen are responsible for making this literally groundbreaking change. Ben Brophy, Bill Brophy, Russ Pankonin, and John Paisley, make up the investment group called Gigabit. They each have a personal investment in the…
Please take a moment to review these details for accuracy. Any discrepancy between this information and your submission with the FCC might delay the process and your internet discount.