We're offering free classes across many of our communities to help you learn what streaming is, how to get started, what equipment you need, and how to find the right streaming services for you.
Outgoing, energetic person who loves meeting new people while working in dynamic environments and holding a non-traditional work schedule. If you’re ready to break free from the constraints of a traditional desk job, ALLO Fiber has the perfect opportunity for you to join our Residential Sales Team doing Door-to-Door sales!
This is part 2 in a 4 part series on ALLO’s core values: Local, Exceptional, Honest, Hassle-Free ALLO came to your neighborhood not just to provide an alternative in telecommunications and not just to provide better service; we came in with the intention of providing the best which is why being exceptional is one of…
Happy three year ALLOversary to one of our favorite ALLO all-stars, Devon! She started out in customer service and quickly demonstrated an enthusiasm and dedication to her field which led her to becoming the Residential Customer Support Trainer. Starting out at a new job is always a little nerve-wracking. And at ALLO, our support team has…
Congratulations to Bill on his seven-year ALLOversary! Over the last seven years, he’s taken a lot of calls as a residential and business support team member, and now we’re calling him out for being awesome. Before his days at ALLO, Bill was a ski instructor in Colorado, a National Park Ranger at Rocky Mountain National…
When ALLO first opened, we had four employees working in one of the town’s oldest buildings (circa 1919) situated in the heart of one of the largest agricultural communities in Nebraska. 2003 may have seen the first instance of side-eye in our home state; providing fiber-optic service to rural communities sounded like an enormous, impossible…
In an ideal world, ALLO would arrive in new fiber-hungry towns to set up shop, flip a switch, and provide faster, more reliable service to thousands of residents and businesses instantly. The reality is that our team is hard at work many months and sometimes years in advance of anyone ever seeing an ALLO logo…
Our First Impression Specialists are the smiling faces there to greet you at each of our local stores. They are often the first point of contact with the public, so they are well-versed in our core values (Exceptional, Local, Honest, Hassle-Free) and our wide range of fiber features. With the help and knowledge of these…
Our blog series continues, and this week we’re tipping our hats to the Residential Customer Experience Team. Sometimes referred to as CSRs, angels in disguise, or ALLO trivia masters, we believe they are the reason ALLO is held in such high esteem by our customers. While all our departments have some level of customer interaction,…
We are delighted to give you a closer look at our Installation Technician Team and share some insight from Jose and Thomas this week. We find that our customers anticipate a mandatory headache with a new service installation, and we never tire of surprising them with an entirely different experience. In our industry, it has…
As ALLO grows, so does our Digital Experience Team. What started as a one-woman show has grown to seven dynamic Digital Experience Specialists, with plans to add more fine folks in the future. As with so many other ALLO departments, the Digital Experience Team juggles various responsibilities, but ultimately, their main concern is with the…
Some of the most frequently used sentences at ALLO include the name Linda. “Linda I need your help!” “Linda will know how to fix it!” “Linda can help you!” “Thanks for your help Linda!” Linda has become a famous ALLO problem solver and we’re thrilled to be celebrating her six year ALLOversary! In 1997, Linda…
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