Our First Impression Specialists are the smiling faces there to greet you at each of our local stores. They are often the first point of contact with the public, so they are well-versed in our core values (Exceptional, Local, Honest, Hassle-Free) and our wide range of fiber features. With the help and knowledge of these ALLO employees as a first interaction, they set the stage for a long and prosperous relationship with our customers. Deb and Jill are two of our First Impression Specialists you may see if you step into our stores in Norfolk or Hastings.

Deb is our First Impression Specialist in Norfolk, NE. She lives by her goal to “greet every customer as they come in with a smile and to make sure they leave with a smile.” From signups to billing questions, she wants to be able to help in any way she can and feels honored to connect with our customers.
She focuses on making sure that when customers walk through the door, they feel listened to and know they’ll find a friendly face to talk to. Building customer relationships is part of her job that Deb appreciates.
Deb says the people who work for ALLO are what really set us apart from our competitors. “We are truly a team, and everyone is always willing to help. No matter what department someone works in or their title, if someone is reaching out for help, everyone will lend a helping hand if needed.”
Outside of work, Deb likes to spend time with her family. Her three children are young, independent adults who succeed in their work. When they can all be together, they enjoy playing board games, playing outdoor games like ladder ball, and going through Escape Rooms.
When it is just Deb and her husband, they enjoy going out to dinner with friends. They were fortunate to go to Kauai in Hawaii with her husband’s family last year. Her memories include gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, snorkeling, attending a luau, and relaxing by the pool or the beach.
A few hours away in Hastings, NE, Jill is another one of our First Impression Specialists. She is a welcoming, friendly face to customers, current and new. Talking about what makes us different from our competitors excites her and makes her feel like we are part of the Hastings community. “ALLO trucks are rolling down the streets, and people see ALLO associates in the stores. People know and love to see us.”

First Impression Specialists like Jill are there to guide our customers when they visit us at the store. “I try to make everyone feel comfortable with their questions,” she says. “After a little chit-chat and getting to know the customer,” Jill says she can help them resolve their problem or understand an ALLO process with a simplified explanation. Jill is there to help anyone who walks in the door at the Hastings store. “It’s not boring here!”
She advocates on behalf of ALLO and our fiber service whenever she participates in the Hastings Chamber, Rotary Club, and Downtown Center Association. She is constantly learning new skills to share with customers or inviting them to ALLO events.
As a Hastings community member for over forty years, Jill sings ALLO’s praises because we are genuinely different. Her words ring true: “When we say ALLO cares, we mean it. We don’t outsource our customer service; customers will always talk to someone from within ALLO.” We care for our customers because they are our neighbors and friends and deserve a hassle-free experience. Our approach is to not only offer excellent internet service but great personal service as well.
When she’s not at ALLO helping customers, Jill always has something to do on her farm. Spending time with grandkids takes priority, though her two dogs, two donkeys, many cats, and cattle also need care and attention from her. Especially her two donkeys, Bill and Ted (pictured below) who have excellent adventures every now and then.
Thanks to Deb and Jill for being two of the smiling, helpful faces at our stores and taking care of our customers. We take first impressions seriously at ALLO and are happy to have experts like Deb and Jill on our side, keeping ALLO exceptional daily. Keep up the excellent work!