Wi-Fi 6

The wireless technology that we all use in our homes and businesses today first came out in 1999. Twenty years later, we’re finally entering the sixth generation of wireless. The different wireless versions go by names like 802.11b, 802.11n, and 802.11ac, and let’s be real, this Wi-Fi alphabet soup was getting a little muddled for…

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8:12 PM / Internet de Fibra/ Updates/ WiFi / By / 0 Comments

The Low Down on Your Download

Who cares about your internet speeds? Raise your hand… The ins and outs of your ALLO internet speed test Well, there are too many hands to count, so we’ll jump right into the details behind testing your ALLO speeds. Running an internet speed test is beneficial in many ways. It can provide bragging rights at your…

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8:50 AM / Internet de Fibra/ WiFi / By / 0 Comments

500 More Reasons to Love ALLO

Our lips have been sealed for too long, and the wait is finally over. Keeping this secret has been nearly unbearable. So finally, we are thrilled, ecstatic, and downright giddy to share the news. Drum roll please… We just increased our standard residential internet speed from 300Mbps to 500 Mbps, for FREE! Did you read…

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5:34 PM / Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Updates / By / 0 Comments

Be Prepared with ALLO

Working and Learning From Home We’re all experiencing a little bit of shock as we deal with the change of pace the Covid-19 virus may be causing in our homes and workplaces. We want you to know, we are ready. Our fiber-optic team has plans in place to continue providing seamless service and support as…

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12:56 PM / Fiber/ Internet de Fibra / By / 0 Comments

All About Your VPN

Many of our ALLO customers are working from home and connecting to their remote offices through a VPN which is a Virtual Private Network. VPNs are designed to keep information private and secure.  It does this by encrypting data before sending it across the internet and when it’s received, it goes through a process to…

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2:04 PM / Internet de Fibra/ WiFi / By / 0 Comments

ALLO, nice to meet you!

Have you seen us around town lately? Our crews have been in the process of building a world-class fiber-optic network for your community. This will completely change the way you experience internet, TV, and phone service at home and at work. You may have a few questions like “What is ALLO? Why are they coming…

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12:56 PM / Community/ Construcción/ Internet de Fibra/ Local / By / 0 Comments

ConnectED Nebraska

Imagine unlimited access to learning no matter where you study. At ALLO, that’s a dream we can get behind, and it’s a vision ConnectED Nebraska turned into a reality for students worldwide. ConnectED Nebraska provides secure, instant, global roaming access for students, researchers, and staff from participating schools all over the world. Here’s how it…

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7:25 AM / Community/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Lincoln/ WiFi / By / 0 Comments

Easements? Right-of-Ways? What are those?

We’re excited to build our world-class fiber optic network in your community! You may have heard words like easements and right-of-ways tossed around during our kick-off ceremony or on the news, but what are those, and why are they essential to our process to deliver you fiber-fast internet with a local smile? Let’s start with easements….

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11:11 AM / Construcción/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television / By / 0 Comments