Being an Award-Winning Provider

Building fiber networks across Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, and Missouri is the easy part. Pushing through world-class service, backed by an exceptional local team that consistently puts you first, is something we continue to strive toward every single day. And since we don’t let our customer support ball drop, we’ve had the honor of winning several…

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5:08 PM / ALLO Expert/ Community/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

6 Benefits of a Fiber Network

Trucks on the curb. Roadside digging. Traffic detours. Workers invading your quiet neighborhood. Although we do our best to minimize disruptions, we understand that the fiber construction process can be a noisy inconvenience. Improving any infrastructure — from internet networks to public roads — can be frustrating at the time, but in the long run…

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10:36 AM / Community/ Construcción/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television / By / 0 Comments

The Wi-Fried Experience

Have you noticed a major shift in the performance of your Apple devices lately? Turns out, Apple’s recent software updates may be the cause. The new iOS8 bugs include  devices across the board (ipad, itouch, iphone, etc.) constantly dropping and sometimes flat out refusing to join your wireless network. There have also been reports of…

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6:56 PM / Internet de Fibra / By / 0 Comments

The ALLO Story

ALLO Communications is proud to have strong roots in Western Nebraska. Our company was formed in 2003 by Nebraska native, Brad Moline.  He currently serves as ALLO’s President. Before returning home with his wife to raise their family, Moline was a driving force behind the exponential growth of Birch Telecom, Inc. in Kansas City. It was in Kansas…

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7:46 PM / Community/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television / By / 0 Comments

Instalaciones de Fibra Óptica

We often get asked, “Why does my neighbor have ALLO service but I don’t?” And it’s a difficult question to answer. Our CEO has a great write-up explaining the construction process; we highly recommend you read it here. We spoke directly with the ALLO team responsible for the design and infrastructure of our ALLO fiber network. In…

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7:27 PM / Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television/ Updates / By / 0 Comments

Esté preparado con ALLO

Todos estamos experimentando un poco de shock a medida que lidiamos con el cambio de ritmo que el virus COVID-19 puede causar en nuestros hogares y lugares de trabajo. Queremos que sepa que estamos listos. Nuestro equipo de fibra óptica tiene planes para continuar proporcionando un servicio y apoyo sin interrupciones a medida que nuestros clientes con negocios y residenciales se…

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9:34 AM / Fiber/ Internet de Fibra / By / 0 Comments

Kami’s Confession

My name is Kami, and I have a confession… I am an ALLO employee and a previous Spectrum customer. I lived in Gering prior to ALLO construction and was stuck in the land of coax while I eagerly awaited the fiber connection that I knew and loved. Having been a Spectrum customer, I paid attention…

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4:07 PM / Community/ Competitor/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra / By / 0 Comments