Getting Hired at ALLO

When you face the daunting task of looking for a new job, you encounter opposition from within your head. You know what I mean, those horrible thoughts you tell yourself that sound like “you’ll never find anything better out there.” Those thoughts bounce around your brain for months until you finally gain the courage to…

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2:02 PM / Local/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

Being an Award-Winning Provider

Building fiber networks across Arizona, Colorado, Nebraska, and Missouri is the easy part. Pushing through world-class service, backed by an exceptional local team that consistently puts you first, is something we continue to strive toward every single day. And since we don’t let our customer support ball drop, we’ve had the honor of winning several…

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5:08 PM / ALLO Expert/ Community/ Fiber/ Internet de Fibra/ Teléfono de Fibra/ Fiber Television/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

Happy ALLOversary Kami!

Congratulations to a true ALLO original, Kami, on her six-year ALLOversary! She has roots that reach all the way back to ALLO’s start-up days, working with President Brad Moline and the City of Imperial to get the ball rolling on our path to fiber fame. Since then, Kami has dabbled in a variety of roles…

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3:31 PM / Local/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

Service without the hassle

This is the final post in our four-part series on ALLO’s core values: Local, Exceptional, Honest, Hassle-Free. We believe that being local, exceptional, and honest makes us accountable for all that we do as a business. When we make these core values a priority, the result is a hassle-free experience for everyone, and that is our goal…

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9:06 PM / Fiber/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

Get to Know ALLO: Network Operations

NOC NOC! Who’s there? A whole team of fiber experts responsible for keeping our network in order and consuming, what we believe to be, a record amount of breakfast burritos in a single morning. This ALLO team is known as the NTAC (Network Technical Assistance Center) crew, and they’re known to handle a list of…

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2:52 PM / Fiber/ NOCtalk/ Spotlight / By / 3 Comments

Get to Know ALLO: Executives

If you’ve been following along with this blog series, you may remember our Business Customer Service Manager, Sonya, explaining that no one at ALLO has an office. Our ALLO President (Brad) and VP of Operations (Allison) both sit in the bullpen with our phone support team and that’s crucial both for the ALLO team and…

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4:34 PM / Community/ Spotlight / By / 5 Comments

3 Reasons we Love Being LOCAL

This blog is part 1 in a 4 part series on ALLO’s core values: Local, Exceptional, Honest, Hassle-Free. ALLO is owned and operated by folks from right here in the midwest. Over  80% of our staff can claim native status with the other 20% transplanted. So when we say we’re local, we’re not exaggerating. For…

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6:31 PM / Community/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments

Happy ALLOversary Jason!

Congratulations to our Western Area Tech Manager Jason Van Dyke! He’s celebrating 4 years at ALLO this month and we couldn’t be happier to have this fearless guy on our team. Congratulations Jason!  I was hired on as a residential technician.  When I was hired there was only one Business technician in the Scottsbluff market. …

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8:00 AM / Community/ Spotlight / By / 0 Comments