We’re excited to build our world-class fiber optic network in your community! You may have heard words like easements and right-of-ways tossed around during our kick-off ceremony or on the news, but what are those, and why are they essential to our process to deliver you fiber-fast internet with a local smile?

Let’s start with easements. City governments in the communities we serve own a small but specific portion of your property to access and maintain city utilities. This easement grants providers the right to use and access a particular area of your property for constructing, operating, and maintaining services like internet, cable, gas, electric, water, and sewer lines.

A right-of-way is more restrictive and gives either the public or specific utility access to move through a property but does not grant access to use the property.

Whoa, hold up! What does that really mean? We’re happy you asked, and we’re here to break it down.

Here at ALLO, we have city-approved utility franchise agreements in the fiberhoods we serve, so we can access easements and the city’s public right-of-ways to build and maintain our 100% fiber network.

ALLO Fiber - Easements and right of ways


You may also wonder if you have either of these on your property. Here are a few ways to find out:

  1. Review the deed to the property. Contact the county clerk or recorder if you don’t have a copy. The legal description of the property will explain the easements.
  2. Reach out to the zoning or mapping department for your county or city. These departments oversee keeping records of surveys and plot maps and can help provide information about an easement on your property.
  3. Call the utility company — or any entity with easement rights — to request the easement information regarding a certain property.
  4. Póngase en contacto con una compañía de seguros de título, o búsqueda de títulos privados, se pueden contratar para realizar una búsqueda de servidumbres. A menudo son capaces de proporcionar un informe completo por una tarifa.

You’ll receive a construction postcard about us being in the area about 2-3 weeks before we roll up our sleeves. We’ll also place signs in the neighborhood, stop by to explain the next steps, and leave notes on your door if construction directly impacts you.

Once construction is underway, our contractors and team will work in and around the easements and right-of-ways to locate utilities, dig paths for fiber, and install the equipment so we can provide service to several homes and businesses in your neighborhood. We are dedicated to doing the work quickly and with as little disruption as possible. Our goal is always to leave the property the way we found it.

We understand the process can be invasive and truly appreciate your patience as we prepare to connect you to a better, more reliable internet, TV, and phone experience. If you encounter any questions or concerns with the construction process, we hope you’ll let us know by filling out the construction form or contacting us by phone, email, or social media. For more details about easement laws and regulations in your area, please visit your city government’s website.