Some of the most frequently used sentences at ALLO include the name Linda. “Linda I need your help!” “Linda will know how to fix it!” “Linda can help you!” “Thanks for your help Linda!”  Linda has become a famous ALLO problem solver and we’re thrilled to be celebrating her six year ALLOversary!

In 1997, Linda brought her family to the Enders Lake recreation area to boat and camp and happened upon a condemned house in Imperial. She and her husband Jim started to dream and after two years of renovation and restoration they moved their family and opened Imperial’s Balcony House Bed and Breakfast. She won’t brag but we will, The Balcony House was named one of the best B&B’s in the state recently! Linda’s day usually begins at 5:30AM when she’s preparing a full breakfast for the B&B guests. Our Imperial team often reaps the benefits of her coveted leftovers when she arrives at 9AM to start her ALLO day. We’re always happy to see Linda, but we’re especially happy when she’s brings a pan of blueberry crumble bars with her.

House with a balcony

At ALLO, Linda says the most meaningful part of her job is helping people. She has a degree in social work and previously put her problem solving skills to work with children and family service groups as well as economic assistance programs with the state of Nebraska. Looking back on her years at ALLO she explains, “I had no background in anything like ALLO, it was a huge learning curve for me.” She says one of her best memories was putting together all that she had learned and getting to the point where it all clicked (see what we did there?). These days we consider her one of our ALLO experts.

Linda with Husband

Outside of ALLO, Linda and her husband stay busy with the Balcony House and keep up with their son Matt who is an urban farmer in Lincoln and their daughter Erica who is a physician’s assistance in Central City. She loves to golf, go to Rockies baseball games, eat out with friends, and travel. She also likes “putzing” (her word) around in her garden, and drinking a glass of wine on the Balcony House porch. She may be a transplant from Colorado, but we’re certain Linda is living the Nebraska good life.

Thank you for your many years of dedicated service to our customers Linda! Your leadership and example keep our reputation for exceptional service going strong!

Linda with family