Refer a Fiber Friend

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Share the ALLO love and earn a $50 bill credit!

Friends don’t let friends suffer through bad service. Tell your friends why you love ALLO below, and if they install new service, we’ll thank you with a $50 bill credit.1

Don’t worry; we’re not into spam so we won’t flood their inbox or share their details with others. It’s a one-time deal that could be a win-win for you and your friend.

Your Name*
Your Service Address*
Your Friend's Name*
Which ALLO location does your friend live in?

1Limited to ALLO serviceable locations. Only current ALLO residential and business customers are eligible to be referring customers. ALLO employees are not eligible to participate as a referring customer or referred friend. Referred friend must be a new ALLO customer. Transferring, upgrading, or moving of existing ALLO services is not eligible. Referred friend receives no value under this program. Referring customer will have a one-time $50 credit applied to their ALLO bill for each new friend referred. Referred friend must provide first and last name and address or phone number of the referring customer during their order process and must complete installation of their new ALLO service prior to the referring customer receiving bill credit. In the event more than one customer refers the same friend, only one customer will be eligible to redeem the bill credit. Other restrictions may apply. ALLO reserves the right to modify or end this program at any time without notice. Bill credit cannot be exchanged for cash, and can only be used as a credit on the customer’s ALLO bill.back

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