ALLO Installs an All-Fiber Network

The fiber optic core is made of glass which allows data to flow in its natural form, light. The beauty of nature is that when left alone, it can exceed our expectations and amaze us with its efficiency. Data flows much faster and farther by light without the pesky interruptions copper cabling receives from electrical interference.

Benefits of Fiber


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Your direct fiber connection is all your own which means you're future-proofed as we become more connected and less wired in everyday life.

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Flip the card Flip


A fiber network provides uninterrupted service, so even when the weather is bad, your connection is top notch.

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Flip the card Flip


Information flows faster thanks to the increased capacity of fiber optics. Fiber can send terabytes per second of data without so much as a 3% data loss over 100 meters. Copper cabling suffers significant signal loss, up to 94% over 100 meters.

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Flip the card Flip


The energy cost to send an electrical signal over miles of wiring is dozens of times the amount of energy needed to send a brief flash of light over the same distance with fiber. Lower energy = lower carbon footprint.

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The Numbers

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The Numbers

A single optical fiber can carry 3,000,000 voice calls or 90,000 TV channels, and that’s just to one house! To put it another way, you can download an HD movie in 7 seconds, download a song in .03 seconds, or download 100 photos in 3 seconds, thanks to our 1 GIG fiber connection.

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Flip the card Flip


Did you hear that? It was the sound of your home value going up. Studies show homes with a fiber connection rise in value by an average of 4.9%*.

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Speed Matters

Have you run a speed test lately? Go ahead, give it a go, we’ll wait. Now let us break it down. When information travels along copper cabling, it’s forced to overcome greater resistance from electrical interference. This interference causes loss of signal, noise interruption, and disappointing speed test results. ALLO provides symmetrical speed so that your connection is fast, reliable, and consistent no matter when or how you use it.

*Source: Fiber Broadband Association, 2015